Youth Retreats 2023-2024

Retreats provide a time out from the busyness of life and offer the opportunity to focus on your faith journey. Please prioritize these dates in your calendars.

Seventh/Eighth Grade Retreat: Leadership Retreat

Saturday, December 2, 2023
10:00 am–6:00 pm
Room 6, OLOL

This retreat centers on the idea of servant leadership. Programing will focus on Jesus’ leadership model and our call as disciples to share our gifts with our communities. The retreat will end with participants attending 5:00 pm liturgy. Friends and family are encouraged to join retreatants at Mass. During the retreat, participants will:

    1. Live as a servant leader by developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.
    2. Recognize their own gifts and limits, empowering them to lead others.
    3. Respond as servant leaders to issues in their parish, school, and community.

Ninth/Tenth Grade Retreat: Created in the Image of God

Saturday, February 10, 2024
10:00 am–6:00 pm
Room 6, OLOL

This retreat celebrates our creation and provides the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be created in God’s image. The retreat will end with participants attending the 5:00 pm liturgy. Friends and family are encouraged to join retreatants at Mass. During the retreat, participants will:

    1. Reflect on being created in the image and likeness of God.
    2. Discuss their image of God through various creative means.
    3. Identify God in themselves and in others.

Confirmation Retreat (with St. Gregory the Great Parish)

Saturday, February 24, 2024–Sunday, February 25, 2024
10:00 am–2:00 pm (overnight)
Room 6, OLOL

This mandatory retreat will take place overnight at Our Lady of Lourdes. Youth who are preparing for confirmation will be given the opportunity to ask the big questions and discover that they hold the big answers. Together they will grow in their understanding of the sacrament of confirmation. While on the retreat, participants will attend the 5:00 pm liturgy. Friends and family are encouraged to join retreatants at Mass. During the retreat, participants will:

    1. Identify their personal questions about God, the Church, and faith.
    2. Reflect on how their questions affect their lives, particularly their relationship with Christ.
    3. Acknowledge and reflect on the idea that faith is a journey and there will not always be clear answers.
    4. Develop tools to assist them on their faith journey, particularly during times of questioning or struggle.