Alverno College Student Nurse Home Visits

We are inviting you to meet with a student  (in-home, by phone, or other electronic means) at least six times from February through April. The purpose of the visits is for you and the nursing student to identify together support you may need to meet your health care goals or navigate the health care system. Students will not provide any physical care. Your willingness to share your time and experience with a nursing student from Alverno College will greatly benefit the student’s education.

To sign up for a student to visit you, fill out the form below.

Fill out my online form.


Here are a few of the classes and workshops offered in the community. You can sign-up online for these classes through the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging.

All of these classes can help you manage your health and wellness.

Living Well with Chronic Conditions Workshop

Living Well with Chronic Conditions Workshop empowers those living with conditions like arthritis, heart problems, asthma, stroke, pain, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, emphysema and cancer and allows them to make the best of their situation.

Learn how to:
• Feel better about life
• Set personal goals and problem solve
• Improve nutrition and develop a suitable exercise program
• Manage your medications
• Manage your symptoms
• Manage stress
• Communicate with family, friends and health care professionals

There will be a $20 fee collected the first session. Please bring exact cash or a check. The $20 fee will be held until the last class of the series and returned if you have completed 4 out of the 6 classes and the book is returned. This is a 6-week class. Sign-up online.

Stepping On Workshop

Don’t Fall

Falls are proven to be reduced by 30% after taking this workshop. Identify and remove or avoid fall hazards. Learn strength and balance exercises. This is a 7-week workshop. The class is free, but you can make a $20 deposit to borrow weights during the workshop or $20 to purchase the weights. If you have balance issues, had a fall or a near fall or tripped over something please take this workshop. Sign-up online.

Healthy Living with Diabetes Workshop

This is a proven workshop.

-Designed for adults with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, or their caregivers.

-Teaches skills to effectively manage diabetes, or delay the onset of diabetes.

-Can result in 25% improvement in your condition.

-Can help minimize the adverse effects of diabetes.

This is a 6-week workshop. The cost is $20, which includes the textbook.  Your money will be refunded if you complete the workshop and return the textbook. Sign-up online.

Blood Pressure Screenings

Blood Pressure 2Did you get your blood pressure checked in the last 6 months?

You can also get your blood pressure checked on one of our regular BP screening days before or after the 9:30 am Mass on most Wednesdays in the Parish Hall.

High Blood Pressure

A.k.a. the silent killer – often there are no symptoms.

A normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 if your blood pressure is higher; please contact your parish nurse for information to help you achieve a normal blood pressure. See our Health Corner page for more details about a health blood pressure.

Blood Drives

Blood drives are sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Click here for details.